TypoGrid is a smart tool for typographers

TypoGrid is a smart tool for typographers and graphic designers helps them to create typography letters and pixel arts based on the grids system.

In 2012, Qassim developed the first version of this web application under “Square Kufi / Kufi Murabba” name. The concept of the app was to help users create one kind of arabic calligraphy which is Square Kufi using pen and eraser tools.

At the end of 2014, and after feedback and further development of his vision, He developed a lot of concepts to created an advanced and smart tool for typographers and graphic designers which would help them to create typography letters and pixel arts based on the grids system, in a much more faster way. Thus, this web application has now emerged as something more than a tool to create Kufi arabic calligraphy – it has become a Typogrid.


Technical Features:
– User-friendly interface
– Export as SVG and PNG
– Import SVG files
– Compatible on iPad, Tablets and smart phones



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